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08/2024 - Langs Akerselva - Oslo, Norway​​​​​​

20/10/2024 - Samfundet - Trondheim, Norway

14/09/2024 - Kulturkirken Jakob, by:larm - Oslo, Norway

12/09/2024 - Himmelen, by:larm - Oslo, Norway​​

09/08/2024 - Øyafestivalen - Oslo, Norway

26/06/2024 - Pride Park, Oslo Pride - Oslo, Norway​

31/05/2024 - Nordic Black Theatre - Oslo, Norway

26/05/2024 - 29d4xDø + Thea Wang, Vierlive (livestream) - World Wide Web

17/02/2024 - Hærverk - Oslo, Norway

08/02/2024 - Førlytt m/ Bra Trommis, Dunk - Oslo, Norway

25/01/2024 - Livestream through Vierlive - World Wide Web

01/03/2024 - Bergen Kunsthall, Landmark - Bergen, Norway


09/09/2023 - Eventyrplassen - Oslo, Norway

09/08/2022 - John Dee // Klubbdagen Øya - Oslo, Norway

30/05/2022 - Elektrosamfundet -Trondheim, Norway

10/04/2022 - Filmtheater - Hilversum, Netherlands

09/04/2022 - Podium Aan Zee - Den Haag, Netherlands

08/04/2022 - MidWest - Amsterdam, Netherlands

6/11/2021 - Kunstuitleen Rotterdam - Rotterdam, Netherlands

29/10/2021 - GIOIA - Arnhem, Netherlands

28/10/2021 - Focus Food Bar - Tilburg, Netherlands

24/10/2021 - Café Camelot Terras - Zutphen, Netherlands

23/10/2021 - Savelbergklooster - Heerlen, Netherlands

21/10/2021 - Stathe - Utrecht, Netherlands

20/10/2021 - Supp. Efterklang, Blå - Oslo, Norway

19/10/2021 - Supp. Efterklang, Kulturhuset - Bergen, Norway

09/10/2021 - DeDAKKAS - Haarlem, Netherlands

02/10/2021 - Torggatafest - Oslo, Norway 

30/09/2021 - De BBLTHK - Wageningen, Netherlands

18/09/2021 - Festival Tweetakt - Utrecht, Netherlands

11/09/2021 - Vill Vill Vest, Landmark - Bergen, Norway

28/08/2021 - Blå/Lagunen - Oslo, Norway

06/08/2021 - Båtfest - Oslo, Norway

01/07/2021 - Ingensteds - Oslo, Norway

28/05/2021 - EP release live from Gamlebyen - Oslo, Norway

15/01/2021 - Samfundet - Trondheim, Norway

4/11/2020 - Malenes Haustfestival - Nissedal, Norway


22/05/2017 - Support for Tamino, Melkweg - Amsterdam, Netherlands



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